I often think about how hard it is to "make it" as an artist--as any kind of artist, and what we tell ourselves about why that is. There are a lot of factors, including who you know, cracking the algorithms and "success formulas," previous accolades, money, and pure luck. But I think our biggest challenge is both a frustrating and encouraging thing about being an artist today--there's just too many of us.
I'm a Millennial, so I can't speak for GenX, but I know my generation and every one after was told to follow their dreams, that their passions mattered, so that's first. Next, everything used to be limited--the type of music being made, the types of stories being told, the way comedy was presented. Once cable was in every household and then the internet, our modes of expression expanded and new voices were able to shine through. This was not the case a few decades ago. Today, there is an abundance of genres and styles and themes floating in the artistic field that inspire, and there is room for more than only what appeals to the masses. With all the mediums we have to create and share art, between apps, streaming platforms, and self-publishing, people who wouldn't have otherwise had an opportunity to can test their talents and get immediate feedback, then try something new and get better. It's no wonder that under these conditions, there are so many active artists in our world today.
Yes, there is a lot of crap out there--not everyone who thinks they should have "made it by now" should have. But there are also a lot of crappy books that are best sellers, crappy musicians that are on the radio, and crappy shows on TV. (See my previous note about the "success" factors.) Even so, I believe that along with being raised to be anything we want and to follow our dreams, we were told a big lie--that talent was rare. Talent is not rare. Talent is everywhere. So the next time you get discouraged for feeling like you haven't "made it" in your artistic field of choice, just remember that you are in very good company.